Applications for 2025—2026 are open from February 1st to July 20, 2025.
Applications exact procedure and platform is not yet known for 2025—2026, information below are outdated. Required documents are not outdated.
ATSI is open to students with a first-year master degree in electrical engineering, data science, applied mathematics or in their last year at engineering school, see requirements(en) [francais].
Application must be made through the website of Université Paris-Saclay .
If you want to apply for the first year of a Master program, check the Master in Electrical Engineering (M1 E3A) from Université Paris-Saclay, from which you can apply to ATSI for the second year.
Important information regarding registration fees for prospective students outside the EU.
Required documents
- Grades since high school diploma included
- Last year’s ranking if available
- Certificate of graduation
- CV
- Motivation letter
- Identity document
- B2 certificate for foreign students
Scholarships and grants
- Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarship Programme.
- Eiffel Scholarship Program of Excellence.
- Information on other scholarship programs on Campus France.